Pamsula Zen of Westchester
Bodhisattva Aspirations and Ethical Commitments
Aware of our intimate connection to all that is, we aspire to cultivate compassion and protect life.
Aware of the suffering caused by stealing and injustice, we aspire to cultivate lovingkindness for the benefit of all beings, neither stealing nor profiting from suffering.
Aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, we aspire to cultivate responsibility in our relationships with others, honoring their dignity, integrity, and autonomy.
Aware of the suffering caused by harmful speech, we aspire to cultivate truthful and compassionate speech, avoiding speech that entails lying, gossiping, cruelty, or abuse.
Aware of the suffering caused by mindless consumption, we aspire to cultivate awareness when buying and consuming, cultivating modest desire and consuming only that which preserves mental clarity.
Aware of the suffering caused by talking about the faults of others, we aspire to recognize, respect, and value the unique beauty of each being.
Aware of the suffering caused by elevating ourselves by criticizing others we aspire to understand and respect our mutual interdependence.
Aware of the suffering caused by stinginess, we aspire to cultivate generosity in giving our time and our material and spiritual resources.
Aware of the suffering caused by anger, we aspire to cultivate tranquility and equanimity, neither repressing nor indulging anger but mindfully caring for it when it arises.
We strive to honor the varied life experiences and conditions each of us brings to practice. We inquire with curiosity, and respect different needs and paths of development. We endeavor to not ‘kill’ others’ experience with disrespect or advice or by abuse of the power inherent in roles of leadership. We strive to treat each person with respect and dignity, without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, social class, political belief, or mental and physical abilities.